Become a member

New Roots is a new organization, and we are actively encouraging members from the North End African Nova Scotian community to join our cause. Signing up today enables you to:

  • Stay in touch with latest events and activities

  • Vote in the next board election cycle or join the board yourself

  • Support the New Roots Community Land Trust by helping us create a database of ANS community members in the North End

Map showing the North End area, north of Downtown Halifax

Map of the North End, Halifax.

Become a member today!

Please fill out the form below to tell us a little bit about yourself and become a member. All information will be kept confidential by New Roots Community Land Trust.

Donate to the New Roots Community Land Trust

Your donation will play a crucial role in supporting the New Roots Community Land Trust (NRCLT) as we embark on a transformative journey to reclaim and revitalize our community. This funding will primarily be directed towards startup and soft costs incurred by the CLT, enabling us to establish a solid foundation for sustainable growth and impact.

You can also visit our GoFundMe page here.