
Upcoming opportunities to have your voice heard!

Voices of the North End: Shaping Our Housing Future

Make your voice heard on the future of African Nova Scotian Housing in the North End! 

Date & Time: Saturday, August 24th, 1-4 PM

Location: George Dixon Centre, Halifax 

Join us at New Roots Community Land Trust (New Roots CLT), in collaboration with our partners at Happy Cities, to share your input on the future of housing for the African Nova Scotian (ANS) community in the North End of Halifax. Our goal is to understand the housing priorities and needs of the ANS community.

We warmly invite you to a family-friendly event on Saturday, August 24th. We will have a catered BBQ-style meal, activities, and opportunities for structured and informal conversations. 

While we encourage you to sign up in advance, anyone is welcome to drop in on the day of the event. We also invite community members to participate in our online survey to further share their insights.

Come and be a part of this important conversation!